Sunday, December 21, 2008

Just In Time For The Holidays

These two twins arrived just in time to make the holiday's merrier. They are so beautiful. Mr. B, aka. Big Brother, was a huge helper during this photo shoot. He even emptied out baskets of toys from his room to offer up as props. We had a lot of fun working on these photos they definitely helped us put us get into the holiday spirit!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Macy & Boomer

These pictures turned out so great. I love the rich fall colors. Macy and Boomer are two awesome dogs-- there owners are pretty cool too. Thanks for letting us take your pictures guys. Hope you enjoy this preview.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Natural Beauty

Miss E has got it all beauty, smarts, creativity, and spunk. It's no wonder with her awesome parents. Thanks guys for letting us take your pictures we had a lot of fun.